Golf League Recorder v1.5a for Windows (c)1995 Conan L. Brown System Requirements: Windows 3.0 or newer running in Standard or Enhanced mode. EGA or better graphics. If you received GLR as a BBS (ZIP) file, you will also need VBRUN300.DLL as it is not included. It will be included if you received the program on disk. Run the Install.exe program to copy GLR to your hard drive. If you already have a copy of GLR, it is safest to install this version in a different directory and do not overwrite your program files. See instructions below to save your existing Golf data Files. Overwrite? If you receive a .DLL or .VBX file overwrite question while installing, and are concerned about possible problems with other programs, choose NO and simply go with your existing files, GLR will usually work with most versions of system files. Note: If you are UPDATING TO VERSION 1.5a, be sure to save your, your GOLFLR.DAT file, COURSE.DAT file and especially your LEAGUE (.LGE) files. These files represent your existing data information. Make a copy of these files occasionally as a backup. Install them in the directory with this new version of GLR to keep your current information.